
My Breastfeeding Journey -Success Story

I started my breastfeeding journey by joining groups, reading books, and going to classes to acquire breastfeeding knowledge. The day my beautiful little girl was born all the information I had acquired was gone, and I found myself struggling to breastfeed. I was afraid my baby was not getting enough milk, so I wanted to quit and started formula feeding or at least mix feed. My husband was very supportive, he told me no, we are not getting any formula, you had wanted to breastfeed so now you have to do it. My dietitian assured me that I have sufficient knowledge of breastfeeding and that all my baby needs was my breast milk. I was encouraged. Though the first week was a challenge, I ended up breastfeeding my baby exclusively for 6 months. I have the privilege of being able to take my baby with me to work. I am still breastfeeding my little girl who is now one year and two months.

– Mom T, at Daspoort, Pretoria

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