Well Being Africa (WBA) in partnership with the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), hosted a nutrition education workshop for teachers on the 4th and the 11th of June 2022 at the Lindo Park primary school, East Lynne Pretoria. The event commenced from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm and consisted of conference presentation sessions and parallel-group sessions. The purpose of the event was to empower teachers with a theory-based teaching strategy for presenting nutrition messages to learners. Highlights of the workshop are the parallel group sessions where the participating teachers use a theory-based nutrition lesson template for planning nutrition lessons suited to learners’ specific needs.
Effective school nutrition education is a viable strategy to promote healthy eating habits and reduce malnutrition among learners and community members. Evidence has shown that teachers who teach nutrition, need to constantly update their skills in teaching nutrition.
Therefore, Well Being Africa (WBA) is assisting the Department of Education in Tshwane South District to provide capacity development in the teaching of nutrition to teachers of Life Skills, and Natural Science and Technology in Grades 5 and 6. Good nutrition during childhood contributes to maintaining health and optimal learning capacities. Furthermore, eating habits that persist during adolescence are more likely to track onto adulthood.